FNI Publications

Infinite Boundaries: Order, Disorder, and Reorder in Early Modern German Culture, edited by Max Reinhart. (Kirksville, Mo.: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1998).
- Interdisciplinarity, Boundary Work, and Early Modern German Studies / Max Reinhart
- Public Law and Patriotism in the Holy Roman Empire / Michael Stolleis
- Universal and the Local in Episcopal Visitations / Edmund M. Kern
- Clericalism and Communalism in German Catholicism / Marc R. Forster
- Terms of Loyalty: Factional Politics in a Single German Village (Nöggenschwihl, 1725-1745) / David Martin Luebke
- Blurring Genre Boundaries: Judas and his Role in Early Modern German Drama / Paul F. Casey
- Architecture and Rhetoric in the Work of Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach / Friedrich Pollerofs
- Jesuit Church of St. Michael's in Munich: the Story of an Angel with a Mission / Jeffrey Chipps Smith
- Constructing the Boundaries of Community: Nationalism, Protestantism, and Economics in a Sixteenth-Century Broadsheet / Pia F. Cuneo
- Der Kaiser als Künstler: Ferdinand III and the Politicization of Sacred Music at the Hapsburg Court / Steven Saunders
- What did Burckhardt's Renaissance Sound Like? / Paul Walker
- Germany's Blind Renaissance / Christopher S. Wood
- The Other in the Age of the Reformation: Reflections on Social Control and Deviance in the Sixteenth Century / Hans J. Hillerbrand
- With a Morsel of Bread: Delineating Differences in the Jewish and Christian Communities of Regensburg before the Pogrom of 1519 / Kristin E.S. Zapalac
- Unification and the Chemistry of the Reformation / Jole Shackelford
- Anabaptist Women, Radical Women? / Sigrun Haude
- The Regulation of Hebrew Printing in Germany, 1555-1630: Confessional Politics and the Limits of Jewish Toleration / Stephen G. Burnett
- The Executioner's Healing Touch: Health and Honor in Early Modern German Medical Practice / Kathy Stuart
- Sovereignty and Heresy / Constantin Fasolt.
Cultures of Communication from Reformation to Enlightenment: Constructing Publics in the Early Modern German Lands, edited by James Van Horn Melton. (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing, 2002).
- Introduction / James Van Horn Melton
- Violence and Urban Identity in Early Modern Augsburg: Communication Strategies between Authorities and Citizens in the Adjudication of Fights / B. Ann Tlusty
- Patricide and Pathos: A 1565 Murder in Deed and Word / Joy Wiltenburg
- From Public Event to Publishing Event: Court Funerals and the Print Medium in Early Modern Germany / Jill Bepler
- Anticlericalism in Bamberg on the Eve of the Peasants' War / William Bradford Smith
- Anabaptist Liars: Communicating and Concealing the Faith in Early Modern Tyrol / D. Jonathan Grieser
- Preaching and Discipline: The Case of Seventeenth-Century Rostock / Jonathan Strom
- Debating the Meaning of Pilgrimage: Maria Steinbach, 1733 / Marc R. Forster
- The Public of Confessional Identity: Territorial Church and Church Discipline in Eighteenth-Century Hesse / Robert von Friedeburg
- Conspiracy and Denunciation: A Local Affair and its European Publics (Bern, 1749) / Andreas Würgler
- Garlic and the Jews: Jörg Breu the Elder's The Mocking of Christ as Protestant "Thesenbild" or Catholic Devotional Image? / Andrew Morrall
- Standing by the Ancient Faith: Fribourg's Fountains and the Coming of the Reformation / Donald A. McColl
- Musical Pedagogy in the German Renaissance / Susan Forscher Weiss
- "Not like the unreasoning beasts": Rhetorical Efforts to Separate Humans and Animals in Early Modern Germany / Susan C. Karant-Nunn
- Expanding the Therapeutic Canon: Learned Medicine Listens to Folk Medicine / Martha Baldwin
- The Debate between Johann Weyer and Thomas Erastus on the Punishment of Witches / Charles D. Gunnoe, Jr.
Ways of Knowing: Ten Interdisciplinary Essays, edited by Mary Lindeman. (Boston: Brill, 2004).
- Ways of Knowing: Introduction / Mary Lindemann
- Mad Mares and Wilful Women: Ways of Knowing Nature - and Gender in Early Modern Hippological Texts / Pia Cuneo
- From Insect to Icon: Joris Hoefnagel and the 'Screened Objects' of the Natural World / Janice Neri
- The Management of Knowledge at the Electoral Court of Saxony / Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly
- Facts or Fictions: Reading and Writing in Early Modern Popular Literature / Elisabeth Waghäll Nivre
- Are the Cranach Luther Altarpieces Philippist? Memory of Luther and Knowledge of the Past in the Late Reformation / Susan R. Boettcher
- Medicine and Pastoral Care for the Dying in Protestant Germany / Mitchell Hammond
- How to Do Things with God: Blasphemy in Early Modern Switzerland / Francisca Loetz
- 'Our Diligent Watchers and Informers': Official Surveillance, Private Denunciation, and the Limits of Authority in Sixteenth-Century Ulm / Jason Coy
- The Eclipse of Usury: Bankruptcy and Business Morality in Eighteenth-Century Germany / Robert Beachy
- Public Church Penance in Saxony / Terence McIntosh
Orthodoxies and Heterodoxies in Early Modern German Culture: Order and Creativity 1550-1750, edited by Randolph C. Head and Daniel Christensen (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2007).
- Orthodoxies and Heterodoxies in the Early Modern German Experience: Introduction / Randolph C. Head & Daniel Christensen
- From the History of Religions to the History of 'Religion': The Late Reformation and the Challenge to Sui Generis Religion/ Nathan Baruch Rein
- Orthodoxy and Variation: The Role of Adiaphorism in Early Modern Protestantism/ Markus Friedrich
- Dreams, Standards of Knowledge and Orthodoxy in Germany in the Sixteenth Century/ Claire Gantet
- Religious, Confessional and Cultural Conflicts among Neighbors: Observations on the Sixteenth- and Seventeenth Centuries/ Thomas Kaufmann
- Editing Italian Music for Lutheran Germany/ Susan Lewis Hammond
- God's Plan for the Swiss Confederation: Heinrich Bullinger, Jakob Ruf and their Uses of Historical Myth in Reformation Zurich/ Hildegard Elisabeth Keller
- Why did Seventeenth-Century Estates Address the Jurisdictions of their Princes as Fatherlands? War, Territorial Absolutism and Duties to the Fatherland in Seventeenth-Century German Political Discourse/ Robert von Friedeburg
- The Exemplary Painting of Hans Burgkmair the Elder: History at the Munich court of Wilhelm IV/ Ashley West
- 'Von dem am Königl. Preußischen Hofe abgeschafften Ceremoniel': Monarchical Representation and Court Ceremony in Frederick William I's Prussia/ Benjamin Marschke
- Ambiguities of Silence: The Provocation of the Void for Baroque Culture/ Claudia Benthien
Enduring Loss in Early Modern Germany – Cross Disciplinary Perspectives, edited by Lynne Tatlock (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2010).
- Introduction / Lynne Tatlock
- The Thirty Years’ War as Experience and Memory: Contemporary Perceptions of a Micro-Historical Event / Hans Medick
- Vanitas, vanitatum, et omnia vanitas: The Baroque Transience Topos and its Structural Relation to Trauma / Claudia Benthien
- Dürer’s Losses and the Dilemmas of Being / Jeffrey Chipps Smith
- Memento Mori, Memento Mei: Albrecht Dürer and the Art of Dying / Helmut Puff
- Enduring Loss and Memorializing Women: The Cultural Role of Dynastic Widows in Early Modern Germany / Jill Bepler
- Paper Monuments and the Creation of Memory: The Personal and Dynastic Mourning of Princess Magdalena Sibylle of Saxony / Mara R. Wade
- Loss and Emotion in Funeral Works on Children in Seventeenth-Century Germany / Claudia Jarzebowski
- Enduring Death in Pietism: Regulating Mourning and the New Intimacy / Ulrike Gleixner
- Between the Old Faith and the New: Spiritual Loss in Reformation Germany / Christopher Ocker
- Loss and Gain in a Salzburg Convent: Tridentine Reform, Princely Absolutism, and the Nuns of Nonnberg (1620 to 1696) / Barbara Lawatsch Melton
- Themes of Exile and (Re-)Enclosure in Music for the Franciscan Convents of Counter-Reformation Munich during the Thirty Years’ War / Alexander J. Fisher
- Locating the Sacred in Biconfessional Augsburg / Lee Palmer Wandel
- Losing One’s Place: Memory, History, and Space in Post-Reformation Germany / Duane J. Corpis
- Migration and the Loss of Spiritual Community: The Case of Daniel Falckner and Anna Maria Schuchart / Rosalind J. Beiler
- Forecasting Loss: Christoph Saur’s Pennsylvania German Calender (1751 to 1757) / Bethany Wiggin
- After the Fall: The Dynamics of Social Death and Rebirth in the Wake of the Höchstetter Bankruptcy, 1529 to 1586 / Thomas Max Safley
Visual Acuity and the Arts of Communication in Early Modern Germany, edited by Jeffrey Chipps Smith, (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2015).
- Introduction / Jeffery Chipps Smith
- Intent and Independence: Late Fifteenth-century Object Engravings / Allison Stielau
- Seeing Christ: Visual Piety in Saxony’s Erzgebirge / Bridget Heal
- Johann Neudőrffer’s Nachrichten (1547): Calligraphy and Historiography in Early Modern Nuremberg / Susanne Meuer
- The Universe Cup of Jonas Silber and its Sources. Envisioning History: The Visualization of Historical Time in Sixteenth-century German Art and Craft / Andrew Morrall
- Lucas Cranach the Younger’s Funeral Sermon as a Lutheran Treatise on Art/ Ruth Slenczka
- A Musical Dialogue in Bronze: Gregor Aichinger’s Lacrumae (1604) and Hans Reichle’s Crucifixion Group for the Basilica of SS. Ulrich and Afra in Augsburg / Alexander J. Fisher
- The Acute Gaze of Argos: Visual Sin and Visual Psychagogy in Jacob Bidermann’s Cenodoxus/ Anthony Mahler
- ‘This Charming Invention Created by the King’: Christian IV and His Concealed Music/ Arne Spohr
- Dynastic Botany: Banyans, Cedars, and Palms as Visual Models in Seventeenth-century Genealogy/ Volker Bauer
- Royal and Roman in the Rebuilding of Berlin c.1700 / Kristoffer Neville